

“After regularly volunteering at Friday Night Outreach, I sought out the staff to see where I could answer this calling from God to get more involved in the community.  I had no idea where I wanted to start but I knew I wanted to lead a Bible club.  I prayed with the staff and a group of middle school girls emerged as the need.  Not as appealing as my minds image of adoring elementary aged girls.  But, I chose to trust and see what God would do if I would be willing.  My life has been radically altered by that group of girls.  We developed a weekly Bible study that over years became treasured time spent.  The staff pushed my idea (older girls vs younger girls), but I saw something in the heart of the ministry that has kept me coming back for the last 9 years.  I saw the desire to develop people.  Their mission wasn’t to push a formula, yet they weren’t devoid of processes.  Their mission was to follow after how God would use people, being willing for that to look different for different people.  Their mission was to connect hearts desiring to serve God with a population that desires to see Him move.  In this community I’ve seen love, free and unforced.  I see it crowning the unlikely, the ones the world cast off.  And that, seeing Love move, is addicting…it’s compelling.

The years have grown my group of thirteen year olds into twenty-somethings.  We don’t meet weekly, but I still maintain relationship with them; meeting, talking and praying as often as we’re able.  I see God moving in their hearts.  I see them walking out in faith after their dreams.  I see them becoming leaders in their lives and slowly, quietly in their communities.  There is richness in our continued tradition of annual Christmas gathering that moves me to a place of awe.  Awe of Him who moves and shapes and loves and leads us.”