Marriage Advance

Processed with Snapseed.This past weekend six young married couples Freedom Covenant Church went to Camp Shalom for a retreat. But so many good things happened that calling it a retreat wouldn't be right. The kingdom of God advanced! Look it's rare and unusual for couples in the city to choose marriage. But here we have six couples all in the same inner city church who have done just that. They are leaving compromise behind and choosing righteousness. Sure it's hard. But they we are seeing the payoff at weekends like these. As the seminar leaders spoke, it was obvious the couples were listening. Just read some of the comments:"I didn't know I was making my wife feel like that...""We had probably the best conversation last night that we've had since we've been married.""I now realize that being angry is a choice.""I don't read the Bible that much, but reading it to my wife every night before bed, I can do and I liked doing it.""I need to change the way I treat my husband...""If I die to myself, I think I can build up trust with my spouse..." This is evidence of the ways God was working this weekend.  There's more, but the blog would be too long. The couples are beginning to grasp the fact that:

  • -We are in a spiritual battle
  • - We are in a spiritual battle
  • - Our spouses are NOT our enemy
  • - Satan hates marriages
  • - Spiritual strongholds in our life keep us from living freely
  • - God's truth in His word counters those strongholds or lies we've believed about ourselves.
  • - We need to die to ourselves

 Thanks to all our friends who were praying for these couples. It is a joy to see God changing our little corner of the world.


Prosecutor of Mercy


Married in the 'Hood